Kansas Center for Economic Growth on why trying to copy the lone star state leaves Kansas struggling

The success or lack thereof of Brownback’s tax plan has a direct impact on education funding. As explained in a recent Wichita Eagle article, “After the economy crashed in 2008, the federal government provided temporary funding to help states limit cuts to schools and other critical services. As the economy improved and that funding went away, Brownback and GOP lawmakers chose not to replace it. Instead, they cut taxes. Brownback told the superintendents that this was the best long-term decision, because if the Kansas economy can grow more, ‘we can fund things.’ But he acknowledged that for school districts, ‘your transition is hard.’” (Eagle editorial, Why the difference on school funding?) This graphic and accompanying blog show why we should all be concerned about Brownback’s proposed solution (in addition to the fact that our children can’t go back to regain the educational opportunities lost while we were waiting for the Kansas economy to “grow more”).
See the Kansas Center for Economic Growth’s new blog on why Trying to Copy the Lone Star State Leaves Kansans Struggling –http://realprosperityks.com/lonestar/

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