Walk with us Monday and show your support for public schools

Join us Monday, March 30th at 9:30 across the street from Topeka High School, 800 SW 10th Street. We’ll meet up, hear from Rep. Melissa Rooker and Rep. Jarrod Ousley and walk a few blocks to the Capitol where we’ll hold a press conference and listen to some of the walkers in room 218 North at 10:00. Please join us! Wear red, bring a sign, bring your children!

Our walkers have started their third day of walking. They have logged over 40 miles and are walking 20 more miles today. It has been cold and windy. Their feet and the rest of their bodies are sore. They have sacrificed time with their own families to help draw attention to the funding and greater policy issues facing our schools. They are walking for their children, your children and the rest of the children in Kansas. The game has changed, and it has become important for Kansas moms and dads, grandparents, teachers, school board members and everyone else who cares about public education to make their voices heard. Please help us on Monday morning by showing our communities and our legislature that we care about our schools and will work to defend them.

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