Kansans for Liberty
Statewide Call to Action In Topeka
TEA Party Members we need you in Topeka at the Capital.
Car pools are leaving from Mikes Steakhouse Thursday.
This week we are talking about Education. Thursday there is a hearing on “Common Cor…e Standards” Also this week we have several bills dealing with “at risk” for students, and Charter schools.
Please join fellow TEA Party members to encourage our legislators to suppor these bills.
Last fall we “knocked” 350,000 doors and helped elect a conservative legislature. But these people are being pressured and pulled by a 1000 lobbyists in a 100 different directions,all standing in the hallways like vultures waiting for a meal. We need to support them and let them know we will be there for them next year after they make the hard choices to fix the mess that 2 decades of progressive administrations and legislatures have left us with.
Please join us in Topeka. We have vehicles to car pool from all across the state going, all we need is your time. I know it is a valuble resource. But we have waited till this critical moment to ask for your help. We have the information that needs to be handed out. A single day could make all the difference in the world.
Please email your local TEA Party leader to join us in making a difference.
Thank you
Craig Gabel,
Pres. of Kansans for Liberty
Public education foes are traveling to Topeka. Are your representatives hearing from you?
If you think legislators don’t need to hear from you, here’s a little eye opener. Please don’t let them be the only ones our legislators hear from.