Kansas teacher pay ranks 42nd in nation

“The NEA report indicates that average salaries for teachers in Kansas are the 42nd lowest in the country, though the rankings don’t factor in cost of living differences among the states. A year earlier, the state was ranked 41st.
‘I think that’s my concern,’ said state board member Janet Waugh, a Democrat from Kansas City. ‘I think that speaks to us not recognizing the value of a teacher.’
‘The majority of teachers I know could make a lot more money in the private industry,’ she said.
Waugh said she believes school boards are raising teacher pay to the extent possible, but have had to deal with tight state funding.
Among nearby states, Iowa ranked 26th, Nebraska 33rd, Missouri 41st, Arkansas 44th, Oklahoma 49th and South Dakota 51st.” http://cjonline.com/news/2014-03-17/report-teacher-pay-down-if-adjusted-inflation

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