We love this mom’s blog post/communication to those who are supposed to be representing her in Topeka:
“Now is the time to begin to reverse the damage that has been done. Not damage to our schools – no, the damage is done to our children. These children are the individuals who will grow up to be our doctors, lawyers, teachers, nurses, social workers, representatives, service providers. They will be responsible for paying taxes to support you, for providing vital services you will use, for making policy decisions that will affect your life. Their education is not a financial compromise worth making.
I, as a life-long Kansan, a graduate of Kansas public schools, a voter who has not missed an election, and a parent of a child who will soon be a Kansas public school student, urge you to speak up against these inadequate bills and vote yes only for a bill that will fully and cleanly fund our Kansas public education system. It may be a difficult choice, but it’s time to make the difficult choice.
Their future depends on it.
Our future depends on it.