Here’s a piece from a principal in OK. Some of it should sound familiar.
“This legislation is the predictable and incremental next step in the privatization of Oklahoma public schools, following the 2010 passage of the Lindsey Nicole Henry Scholarship Program for students with special needs, also sponsored by Representative Nelson.
Unbeknownst to many in attendance at the conference, there was another entity on stage with Representatives Nelson and Newell. Preferring to lurk behind the curtains and out of sight, the real source of this legislation was watching from a safe distance but was unquestionably present in the shadows. As Nelson and Newell recited the entity’s well-scripted and rehearsed talking points, the force in the shadows smiled. After seeing that all was going to plan, the entity mused to itself, Oklahoma-check; on to the next state.’ . . Finally, while reviewing the state-by-state ‘report cards,’ I was amused to find that Oklahoma, despite ranking 43rd in the nation on student NAEP scores, earned the authors’ highest grade, a B+, along with Arizona and Indiana. Massachusetts, the state with the top NAEP scores in both math and reading, finished in the middle of the pack in 23rd with a C!” . . . ALEC is smart, capable, and powerful. . . And most Americans have no idea they exist. It is up to us to spread the word!”