Legislators supporting public education were targeted in a flier from Kansans for Liberty. The flier sought primary opponents for Reps Rooker, Finch, Becker, Doll, Hineman, Dierks, Hill, and Moxley and offered, “Should you decide to consider running for any of these positions (or others) we would be glad to assist you in any way possible. We will walk you through every step to get signed up. Provide you with templates for signs and palm cards. Even help with volunteers to get your message out.” You may want to visit the websites of these legislators and volunteer to help them. See this story for more information on the fliers: http://www.hutchnews.com/news/local_state_news/becker-doll-hineman-come-under-attack/article_5c965038-273e-5249-b8fd-f2881d55fb57.html