Garden City Telegram notes HB 2506 was anti-school measure

“While much attention understandably has been devoted to the loss of due process, other aspects of the misguided [HB 2506] demand attention, such as tax breaks for corporations’ private school donations.
Parents have every right to send their children to private schools, but not at the expense of the public school system. Siphoning any resources from K-12 hurts even more considering the longstanding interest of Gov. Sam Brownback and his GOP allies in slashing state financing for public schools.
But such strategies are priorities for the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) and its Koch-supported cronies, Americans for Prosperity (AFP), as part of their quest to privatize education.
Credit Republican House members John Doll of Garden City, Russ Jennings of Lakin, Don Hineman of Dighton and Steve Alford of Ulysses for voting against the plan.
Naturally, the governor fell in line with ALEC and AFP and signed off on the multipronged anti-public schools measure. Area state senators Larry Powell, R-Garden City, and Garrett Love, R-Montezuma, also endorsed the changes pushed through with scant public debate.
And now, unfortunately, Kansans have more proof of radical-right Republicans’ lack of respect for teachers and public schools in the state.”
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