Speaker Merrick states red shirts making him uncomfortable, then claims he was referring to red coats

“Merrick, a Stilwell Republican who is the chamber’s top political leader, said during an interview Thursday that he welcomed addition of law-abiding people trained to carry concealed weapons because their presence in the Statehouse as of July 1 would serve as added protection against violence.

‘I’m uncomfortable with people being here for other reasons,” Merrick said. “There are a lot of red shirts around here.’

His statement was interpreted as a knock at dozens of Kansas teachers — most wearing red T-shirts with printing that urged people to support public education — who were at the Capitol two months ago for debate about a controversial bill adding state funding to K-12 schools and stripping teachers of employment tenure rights.

On Friday, Merrick issued a news release describing his prior comment as an awkward reference to British soldiers, or Redcoats, who fought in the colonies. It wasn’t a remark about Kansas school teachers, he said.”

See more: http://cjonline.com/news/education/2014-06-20/merrick-red-shirts-remark-referenced-1776-not-kansas-teachers

Some of our legislators need to stop acting like teachers are the enemy.

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