Washington Post reports on tax cuts, school funding in Kansas

Schools, for instance, have experienced a reduction in K-12 funding on a per-student basis. In 2008-09, Kansas spent $4,400 in base state aid per pupil. Last year, it was $3,838, according to the Kansas Legislative Research Department.

“The tax cuts made it very difficult for Kansas to recover from the recession in terms of school funding and funding for other services,” said Michael Leachman, director of state fiscal research at CBPP. “In most states, school funding per pupil is up.” . . .

In the Goddard school district, which serves more than 7,600 students west of Wichita, parents and teachers have described reduced hours for nurses, fewer coaches and teachers aides, higher fees, larger class sizes, fewer school buses and the delay of a much-anticipated pre-kindergarten program.


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