KASB launches community engagement programs

KASB has a new way to get in the game.

“Most good ideas about education are out there, rising from the bottom up; from people who are familiar with what is happening in the classroom and from students and parents who have learned what works and know what is needed.

“But sometimes those good ideas don’t get heard in Topeka or Washington. That is a major reason why KASB is offering special programs, free of charge, to get people on the front lines of our education system, discussing and doing what it will take to produce successful students, the Kansas way.

“The effort, led by KASB’s Governmental Relation Specialist Tom Krebs, is aimed at engaging parents and school and community advocates and finding new advocates to make policies that will create the schools that our kids deserve and must have to compete in the modern economy…

“KASB will lead or facilitate community conversations, conduct a leadership for success program and provide training and resources in the important and expanding use of social media. The community will choose which process it wants, and KASB will help guide that process. The program is free of charge with KASB seeking only travel reimbursement.

“’We are hopeful districts, or groups of districts, will take advantage of the program or programs that best fit their needs,’ said Krebs. ‘We will work diligently to ensure whatever initiative is chosen is the best fit it can be for that community.’

“For more information about the program, please contact Krebs at 785-273-3600 or tkrebs@kasb.org.

“KASB believes access to a quality public education has been the foundation of our state and our children’s future. Putting together groups of people at the local level and raising their voices and concerns is the best way to affect policymakers in Topeka and Washington when important decisions are made about the future of education.” http://www.kasb.org/wcm/_NB/14/NB1203b.aspx

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