Representative Don Hineman provides a great explanation of Kansas’ current situation.
As a life-long Republican and a fiscal conservative I recognize that government must operate as efficiently as possible and that continues to be a focus for me. But I was also elected to insure that state government continues to provide the services its citizens depend upon and that government delivers those services in a manner that is as user-friendly as possible. I have concluded that it will be impossible to fill the looming budget deficits with nothing but budget cuts. Some form of additional revenue will be required…
The situation we find ourselves in is fairly unique among the states since most states are currently experiencing expanding revenues. So why is Kansas different? Any budget shortfall has multiple causes. Increased caseloads for social services and K-12 education have added to the state’s burden, and a change in federal tax law is also blamed for part of the problem. But by far the majority of the problem is due to the income tax cut enacted during the 2012 legislative session. It was sold to a majority of legislators on the promise that leaving more money in the pockets of the taxpayers would grow the economy and actually lead to greater state revenue receipts. The first part of that promise is valid, and there can be no doubt that granting a tax break can have a stimulating effect on the economy. But the second part of the promise is highly controversial. President George H. W. Bush once called the theory “voodoo economics”. …
I did not vote for the tax cut in 2012.
Although I recognize that tax cuts can stimulate the economy I also understand that we can overdo it in the short run and create serious problems for the state budget. During debate on the 2012 tax bill I argued that the plan went “too far too fast” and I continue to believe that is so. Recently others have come to agree with me.An editorial board which endorsed Governor Brownback only two months ago has now joined the chorus.
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