Superintendent Reid on paying price for choices

Another superintendent explains why a “decrease in an increase” rings hollow and urges his community to speak up. Thank you, Eric Reid.

“We all pay a price for the choices we make and the decisions of others. Now the choices I am forced to make create negative opportunity costs for my students, staff, and community. Call it local control all you want; I feel no control over this. All we have is our voice, and there is no big money behind us to get elected officials to listen. There is an opportunity cost for our silence, and not only will we pay the price, but our students will as well. If our voice is ignored by those who make the decisions, my hope is these choices result in an opportunity cost of accountability. As elected representatives, their opportunity cost is determined by our collective choices. In the end, it’s up to us on what price we are willing to pay, and whether we pay now or later.”

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