“The latest release of national reports on education achievement and funding show that Kansas continues to rank among the top states in student success, while spending less than any other high ranking state.
“Kansas ranks eighth in the nation based on the most recent data for high school graduation rates for 2013, NAEP reading and math tests for 2013, and the percent of young adults with postsecondary education completion for 2012.
“In spending, Kansas ranked 27th out of the 50 states in total revenue per pupil from all sources, according to a new report released by the U.S. Census Bureau this week on public education finances for 2013. Every other state in the top 16 ranked by overall achievement had higher total revenue per pupil than Kansas.”
Read more here: http://us2.campaign-archive1.com/?u=8a5ba7bb3b4e7431f41d12820&id=26088db277&e=5f5021b1cf.