Business leaders displeased with school funding issues

Those of you in the business community who know how important Kansas public schools are to Kansas businesses in terms of having an educated workforce and in being a place business leaders and their employees want to send their children to school, please join us in speaking up in support of public schools.

“’We have to resolve our issues with school funding,’ said Ty Patton, general counsel at McCurdy Auction. ‘That is such a black eye for our state. It’s embarrassing.’

“Indeed, while education was once a solid selling point for bringing people into Wichita, a decade of cuts and spats by the legislature in Topeka has changed that.

“Now, it could be a reason for someone not to move here if they have other options.

“And that can make Wichita a hard sell when trying to attract new business and talent.

“’It’s such a bad look for the state,’ Patton said. ‘It has to be resolved at some point.’”

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