“’Your big savings is consolidating buildings, and there is not a single building (in Harvey County) that can absorb everyone’s students at this time,’ Alstrom said. ‘… (With this proposal) Your savings will come in firing four superintendents. I am not sure the work can be done by the one that is left.’
“Miller challenged the idea of significant savings from a reduction in administrative staff statewide.
“’I would like to see the data to support that statement,’ Miller said.
“’It is making the assumption that you would not have to increase staff in the largest district in the county to support more students and constituents. I don’t know how that would work. I think there is a lot of fiction in that proposal, and the savings, I doubt, will be as great as they would have us believe. Will there be some cost savings? Sure.’”
Read more here: http://www.thekansan.com/article/20160120/NEWS/160129912/?Start=1