What can you do?
We hear that question a lot, and there are many things you can do to change the direction of our state and increase support for public education! Here’s a list of things you can do now and over the next several months.
1. Register to vote, and if you have a high school or college student in your life, make sure they are registered. Remember, you’ll need to have proof of citizenship.
2. Become informed about your legislator. Frankly, when campaigning, we find that almost every legislator claims to be a champion of education, though we know that many of them have voted against increasing public education funding and in favor of harmful education policy on multiple occasions. We have posted their votes on this page and on our website blog http://gameonforkansasschools.com/blog/ (which is searchable), and we’ll be providing additional information in the weeks to come.
3. Donate to friendly incumbents and challengers. The anti-tax, anti-public school incumbents and candidates will be well-funded, and every donation helps.
4. Join candidates in walking their districts, especially in your neighborhood, or offer to host a meet and greet.
5. Make sure your friends are educated on the issues and don’t fall for the deceptive postcards we know are coming.
6. Vote in the primary election on August 2nd, and if you are going to be out of town, as many of you are, vote in person in advance or get an advance ballot from your county election office. Come on, people. This is not a carpool. No one else can “cover” this for you. We’ll help you learn the facts, but we can’t cast your vote for you.
7. Vote in the general election November 8th. Support candidates who support public education, and vote to retain the Supreme Court justices who face an unprecedented challenge based partly upon their decisions in school funding cases.