“School Choice Week” is coming to Kansas and the rest of the country the last week of January. During that time, Koch-funded entities will trot kids donned in yellow scarves up to the Capitol in a well-funded and well-orchestrated event, but those same entities refuse every effort to infuse voucher bills with oversight, accountability or any kind of guardrails to protect vulnerable students. They promise a myth and do nothing to prevent the nightmare these programs deliver to state budgets, communities and public schools and their students.
“The language of ‘choice’ around schools may be alluring in its simplicity. But don’t let ‘National School Choice Week’ fool you. Behind the banners extolling the virtues of vouchers, charter schools, homeschooling and other privately managed schooling options, a small group of wealthy heirs is using their vast sums to undermine support for public schools and the vital role they have played in our culture and economy.”
Please see this article from truthout.org.
The Uber Rich Are Funding “National School Choice Week” to Attack Public Schools