“The Kansas Legislature is apparently brewing for a battle with the courts – not because they’re right, but because they don’t like being told they’re wrong when it comes to education funding.
“In a week’s time, ultra-conservative Republicans in the House and Senate tossed out a school finance plan that had evolved over the course of about 23 years because it was too difficult for them to understand…
“They have passed a more simple-minded finance plan that provides block grants to districts. The beauty of this plan, they claim, is that it allows more “local control.” In other words, local schools can spend the money for transportation, ESL students, in the classroom, or on staff salaries . . . take your pick.
“Local control is another way of saying, ‘This is all you get. You figure out how to make it work.'”
Read more here: http://www.scottcountyrecord.com/opinions/showdown-adequate-funding-for-education-not-a-priority