“That’s the problem school districts face. It’s pretty easy for legislators to predict how much the state will spend on K-12 education. All they have to do is set an arbitrary amount and say that’s all the schools are getting. It’s a lot harder for local districts to figure out how they are going to serve hundreds — or maybe thousands in some larger districts — of additional students without any additional state support.
“Legislators have put the block grant funding system in place for two years, during which they say they will put together a new school funding formula. The fact that the state currently is fighting more than one lawsuit alleging that the way it funds K-12 education doesn’t meet the requirements of the Kansas Constitution doesn’t inspire confidence that lawmakers will come up with a better, more equitable way to fund public schools two years from now.”
Read more here: http://www2.ljworld.com/news/2015/aug/05/editorial-predictable-plight/?opinion