The tax bill that actually passed the Senate last night 24-15 is nothing short of ridiculous.
It is estimated to cost almost $500 million in its first year and build from there. Maybe they’re planning to use this in the next election cycle for their postcards. Maybe they want to go into conference committee with a lot of room to negotiate before they even get to something that wouldn’t bankrupt the state. Maybe they just want Governor Kelly to have to go on record with a veto of a (ridiculous) tax cut. Whatever the reason, it’s ridiculous. We’ve already conducted this experiment, and it was an unqualified disaster. These tax cuts, like the Brownback-era tax cuts, favor multinational corporations instead of Kansas citizens. Kansans would feel its impact, though, in cuts to school budgets and the inability to pay for other essential state services. Your senator needs to hear from you. If you don’t know who your senator is, you can input your address here:
Please thank the following Senators for voting against this bill: Billinger, Corson, Dietrich, Doll, Faust-Goudeau, Francisco, Haley, Hawk, Holland, Holscher, Longbine, Pettey, Pittman, Sykes, Ware.
The following Senators voted for the bill. Are they representing you? Alley, Baumgardner, Bowers, Claeys, Erickson, Fagg, Gossage, Hilderbrand, Kerschen, Kloos, Masterson, McGinn, O’Shea, Olson, Peck, Petersen, Pyle, Steffen, Straub, Suellentrop, Thompson, Tyson, Warren, Wilborn. Senator Estes was absent and did not vote.
Originally posted to Facebook on 2/10/2021.