Do these two parents speak for you? There were the only two parents invited to testify at last week’s bizarre hearing on “Critical Pedagogy.” We’re still trying to come up with our own response, but here’s a summary from The Kansas Reflector. The voucher bill this hearing was designed to justify has a hearing in the House K-12 Education Budget Committee on Tuesday. Please pay attention.
“Lawmakers in the Kansas House began laying the groundwork last week for redirecting taxpayer money from public to private schools by holding a two-hour hearing on complaints two parents have with diversity and inclusion initiatives.
“Rep. Kristey Williams, R-Augusta, organized the discussion on ‘critical pedagogy’ as a rebranding of critical race theory, although the parents and members of her K-12 Education Budget Committee continued to invoke CRT as the anti-American ‘religion’ lurking behind staff training and curriculum in schools.”