We have just gone through years of underfunding our schools, lengthy court cases and political battles to finally get adequate and equitable funding, and we have recently experienced the worst disruption to education in a century — the COVID pandemic.
“And here is how we have emerged from these significant obstacles: Our high school graduation rate is the highest it has ever been, including subgroups. Now, our critics say, “Well, you’re graduating them, but they aren’t prepared for working or college.” But that’s just not true because the percentage of students who are going on to get postsecondary degrees or industry and work credentials is also at an all-time high…
“Here is another encouraging data point: Our state assessment results from tests taken last spring posted the largest increase since the current tests began in 2015. In both reading and math, the percentage of students increased in the top three performance levels and decreased in the lowest level. This occurred even though Kansas public schools saw a 5% increase in the number of low-income students, who, on average, have lower test scores than higher-income students…
“Earlier, I wrote that we must be vigilant to protect our public schools. There are powerful special interests out there spreading false information about our schools. No surprise they are funded by billionaires who see dollars signs when they look at our young Kansans. They want to force you to pay taxes so wealthy kids can attend discriminatory private schools and defund public education. This is what voucher schemes are and they are a danger to our society.
“In Kansas, our teachers, administrators, local school board members, parents, students and taxpayers should be applauded for the gains we have made together. So, when I get depressed about what is happening in the world, I look at Kansas public schools. We have emerged from underfunding and then the pandemic even better.
“Our public schools are living our state’s motto ‘Ad Astra Per Aspera,’ to the stars through difficulties.”
Read the full Op-Ed here: https://www.cjonline.com/story/opinion/columns/2023/11/06/kansas-public-schools-rebounding-underfunding-covid-pandemic/71475145007/?fbclid=IwAR3MYJ9B0pVByg8eJxNhYE4oIqzSYNdBW771dmB-AEoO9iDuBd0OF_Hw0t8
Originally posted on Facebook on Nov.7th, 2023.