Backpack Full of Cash October 10th, 5:30pm Wichita

Anti-public education forces are trying to bring vouchers to Kansas. Join us for our free Merriam screening of Backpack Full of Cash on Thursday, October 10th at 5:30 pm at The Wichita Advanced Learning Library (711 West 2nd St N, Wichita, KS 67203). Learn about the devastating impacts of school privatization and how to protect your kids and their community schools.

Narrated by Matt Damon, this 96-minute documentary explores the growing privatization of public schools and the resulting impact on America’s most vulnerable children. Filmed in Philadelphia, New Orleans, Nashville and elsewhere, BACKPACK also features genuine heroes like the principals, teachers, activists, parents and students who are advocating for their education.

This event will include a short discussion of the film and its relevance to the current drive for vouchers in Kansas. It will be a great opportunity to educate those in our community who care about our public schools but don’t understand the dangers posed by the privatization movement.

Join us and bring a friend!

Here’s the link to our event on Facebook:

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