The future of Kansas public schools is on the ballot. So are culture war candidates

“The Kansas State Board of Education often goes unnoticed, both by voters and the media, in the hurly-burly of state politics. It would be a mistake to overlook these races this fall. The future of our schools — and the young Kansans they educate — is at stake.”

“The Kansas State Board of Education is often ignored by voters. There are exceptions. Most Kansans can remember two decades ago, when the board’s then-conservative majority brought international embarrassment to the state by pushing a proposal to teach creationist ‘intelligent design’ theory in the state’s public schools. The measure was an obvious backdoor method of introducing religious beliefs into classrooms, and just as obviously a rejection of science itself…

“Four of its current members are conservative Republicans who have campaigned against ‘wokeness’ in public education. Three moderates who served as a counterweight — Deena Horst (R-Salina), Ann Mah (D-Topeka) and Jim McNiece (R-Wichita) — are leaving the board. Five seats overall are up for election in November. Some observers fear a right-wing takeover which could turn the policymaking board into yet another culture war battleground that ill-serves the state’s young people. We have seen how that turns out…

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