
Senate Judiciary Committee hears bill on impeaching justices

Public school supporters need to be court supporters, too. Please understand this bill is directly related to school funding decisions going against the state. “’Why do we want to pass a bill that inappropriately violates the separation of powers upon which we rely to avoid tyranny?’ Irogoneriary said. ‘I suggest to you the bill’s political motivation should be seen for what it is. It’s a power grab. It’s attempt to control every aspect of our government by those who are presently in control.’ “Efforts to advance a constitutional amendment that would change the way justices are selected failed...
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Gannon equity compliance doesn’t have to result in lower funding for other districts

“Rep. Melissa Rooker, R-Fairway, a moderate whose district includes Shawnee Mission schools, said the governor and legislative leaders make it seem as if the state has only two options: take money from certain districts or defy the court and risk closing schools. “’It’s being framed as an either/or proposition and it isn’t,’ she said. ‘… We have door number 3. We’re not limited.’ “Rooker recommended that lawmakers develop a plan that holds school districts like hers harmless for one year. Under this proposal, Wichita and other districts could receive equalization aid, but districts such as Shawnee Mission would...
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War on public education

“Kansas’s long-admired K-12 system is being subjected to a systematic effort to dismantle it and to shift money currently being spent on public schools to private and religious institutions, a group of three legislators told the attendees of a MainStream Coalition forum on eduction on Tuesday. “With more than 200 people packed into the Colonial Church basement to hear the discussion, Reps. Melissa Rooker, a Republican, and Nancy Lusk and Jarrod Ousley, Democrats, painted a picture of a legislature controlled by anti-tax conservatives who aim to chip away at the school system in hopes of reducing the financial...
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Letter to Editor addresses untold charter story

Well said. Untold charter story The Eagle featured a rather disturbing commentary touting charter schools (“State’s educational system lacks choice,” Feb. 19 Opinion) by Robert Litan, a former Brookings Institution economist who recently resigned his affiliation with the think tank after a violation of a policy rule. Litan mentioned paying more to highly effective teachers, the need for school choice and catering to low-income students with low-attainment records. He also stated that there are “award-winning nonprofit charter groups – such as KIPP, Success Academy and Uncommon Schools, to name a few – that give largely minority students from...
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