
SW KS schools anxious about funding

“Incoming USD 457 Superintendent Steve Karlin said next year Garden City Public Schools will cut the equivalent of 5.5 administrative positions including 4 full-time associate principal positions and 1.5 positions at the district’s central office. “Cuts to specific programs within the district eliminated 8.4 teaching positions including 4 full-time elementary positions, 3 middle-level positions, 1 high school position and a part-time nursing position… “’If we must maintain flat funding to keep doing what we do, we have to cut programs because our allocation from the state isn’t being increased because of inflation,’ Karlin said. “Sen. Larry Powell, R-Garden...
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Cuts to education threatened as tax bill debated

Remember when we said we were skeptical about the “certainty” of the block grant funding? We still are. Although the across-the-board cuts, including 6.2% to education were avoided when the tax bill was passed, we still see that cuts to education are not “off the table” when budgets are tight. “Budget Director Shawn Sullivan said that without tax increases, the most likely option for Brownback is cutting $400 million from a budget approved by legislators for the fiscal year beginning July 1, to avoid a deficit. He said the cuts would most likely be a 6.2 percent across-the-board...
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House leadership using cuts to schools as leverage on tax vote

House leadership is threatening cuts to schools in order to get legislators to pass a tax bill that will leave the structural revenue imbalance causing budget problems intact. “Merrick indicated failure could result in large cuts, including to education. Gov. Sam Brownback’s administration has indicated without a revenue package in place, it will likely slash state spending by 6 percent – an approximately $197 million cut to education spending. “’If you’re for education, I expect to see a green light, I expect you to vote for this. Because the consequences of what comes down the line,’ Merrick said.”...
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House to debate and vote on flawed tax bill tonight

From our friends at Johnson County Educators: This is, for the most part, the same bill passed by the Senate earlier this week. It is still the largest tax increase in Kansas history and will be shouldered by the middle and working classes. It still contains the tax credit “scholarship”/voucher provision. Also, the bill contains no rollback at all of the exemption of 300,000+ businesses from having to pay any income tax. Please contact your House representative now and encourage them to vote “no”. Read about where things stand here:
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