
Deafening silence on schools

We’re not being silent. Are you? “[T]he bigger issue is the deafening silence from people who should care about our schools but aren’t speaking out. “Where’s the outrage from rural communities whose schools will lose tens of thousands of dollars in state aid which are necessary in order to continue providing a quality education? “Why aren’t people challenging the mental and intellectual stability of lawmakers who have no problem with passing a school finance plan that not only steals away money that schools were expecting to receive in this year’s budget, but provides them with less money in...
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Bill to expand judicial impeachment threatens balance of power

“Nonetheless, at [Sen.] Holmes’ request, the Senate Judiciary Committee introduced a bill Tuesday that spells out additional grounds for impeachment, including breach of the public trust or judicial ethics and ‘attempting to subvert fundamental laws and introduce arbitrary power.’ The bill also specifically targets ‘attempting to usurp the power of the legislative or executive branch.’ “That last provision opens wide the opportunity for two branches of the Kansas governor to gang up on the other in arbitrary, unethical and damaging ways. For instance, the governor and some legislators have been highly critical of Supreme Court rulings on funding...
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Abrams funding proposal flawed

There were hearings on Sen. Abrams’ proposed school funding plan earlier this week. We agree with the assessment in this editorial. “Districts would receive ‘success’ ratings based on the number of graduates who within two years earned an industry certification, completed basic military training, enrolled in a third consecutive semester at a college or worked at a job earning an income of at least 250 percent of the poverty level ($29,425). “How are districts supposed to keep track of all their graduates, many of whom may move to other communities or out of state? That could be a...
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