
Beware of changes to judicial selection

Public education supporters in Kansas need to understand the importance of an independent judiciary. That independence was compromised last year when the legislature passed a bill to change how judges are selected for the appellate court. The first appointment was former Brownback aide Caleb Stegall who was then quickly elevated to the Supreme Court. Brownback has now named his second nominee, and questions remain. Be aware that there is a bill to make the same change to the Supreme Court nomination process. “The new process, under which the governor nominates a judge who then must be confirmed by...
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Explanation of allotments and SB 171 from Newton

Thank you to Newton Asst. Superintendent for Human and Fiscal Service Russell Miller for explaining what legislation under consideration would mean for your district. Do you know how these bills would affect your district? “Two significant pieces of legislation are currently being considered – both of which could have a dramatically negative impact on USD 373. First, after a number of years of not receiving any equalization aid for our Capital Outlay fund (building projects, maintenance, etc.), this program was re-established for the current year and we planned our budget accordingly. Having the additional resource for that fund...
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Governor proposes linking school funding to performance

The bad education policy ideas just keep coming. Governor Brownback has proposed linking school funding to student performance. That’s another idea that for a split second sounds good until one considers all the implications and complications involved. We agree with Lynn Rogers quoted below. “Wichita school board member Lynn Rogers, the board’s point man on finance issues, said he agrees with Brownback’s goals of students meeting grade levels and leaving high school prepared for college or the workforce. “’But it takes money to do that,’ Rogers said. ‘There’s scientific evidence that justifies the cost behind those weightings. It...
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