
Explanation of why KPERS catchup doesn’t help districts pay bills

Thank you for this helpful explanation Supt. Allison. “The Legislature and Gov. Sam Brownback deserve credit for increasing state funding to the state’s pension plan. But should that be counted as increased school funding, as Brownback argues? Wichita superintendent John Allison said he likened it this way recently to a citizen: If for many years your employer didn’t contribute to Social Security the full amount he was required (as the state failed to do for decades with its pension system), then he finally began paying extra to try to make up that deficit, would you consider that a...
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Kansas schools face bad “choices” while Brownback ignores role in forced consolidation

We’ve noticed Kansans are being told that school districts in Kansas are choosing to close or cut staff and programming, but as we have talked to people throughout Kansas, we see that some districts choose to increase class sizes, some choose to cut staff, some choose to cut programs or activities, some choose to cut their school week or school year, but these are choices about which bad options to select and must be viewed in the context of funding constraints. Here’s the latest example: “When Brownback was asked if he took any responsibility for consolidation happening at...
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Brownback plays politics with rural schools

“The claim is that Vratil, a former vice president of the state Senate, is gunning for consolidating rural schools. It’s a charge made by taking a 2011 comment Vratil made, extracting it from broader context and spinning. “It’s a contrived issue, intended as bait for rural votes, especially in western Kansas. Vratil was appointed to the committee by Democrat Paul Davis, who is running against Brownback. So by association, it’s a political jab at Davis… ” “And Brownback is the cause of some of the recent belt-tightening by not replacing federal stimulus funding and by his tax policies....
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Trabert, not Vratil, discusses consolidation

Did John Vratil make the following comment? No, it was Dave Trabert, fellow performance and efficiency panel member who is not being targeted for removal. “As shown in Table 8, small districts typically cost more per-pupil to operate than larger ones, and some of Kansas’ smaller districts are losing enrollment. In FY 2005 there were only four districts with fewer than 100 students; by FY 2008 there were seven and in FY 2009 there were eight. The cost of operating the smallest districts, which are likely to continue losing enrollment, will grow exponentially unless something is done. “Consolidation...
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