Take a look at the proponents and opponents for HB 2119, the massive Education Savings Account (voucher) bill that passed out of the House K-12 Education Budget Committee last week and will probably head to the floor of the House soon. Are our legislators listening to free-market lobbyists and religious schools, or Kansas parents, teachers, school board members, and other supporters of our public schools and the students they serve? Please ensure that your Representative is hearing from you. Originally posted to Facebook 2/18/2021....
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Call to Action! – Voucher Alert!
If you have not contacted your state Representative, please do so! HB 2068 (tax credit scholarship expansion) and HB 2119 (Education Savings Account) are both voucher bills that could be on the House floor any day now. These bills and others being introduced in committees represent the strongest attack on public schools and the students they serve we’ve seen in years. Your legislators need to hear from you! The Shawnee Mission Area Council (SMAC) PTA shared some suggestions of how you can make your voice heard SMAC PTA Suggests…. CALLS: Tell them your name, your city and why...
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Leave a Comment February Voucher-palooza
It was voucher-palooza in the Kansas legislature today. The Senate passed the tax credit scholarship, and the House K-12 Education Budget Committee passed the massive Education Savings Account bill. They improved it slightly by removing homeschools from participation and by requiring students to be current public school students rather than those already attending private schools. But the bill is still a neo-voucher and has no cap and does nothing to impose standards on the private schools receiving the funds. Representatives Byers, Hoye, Ousley and Winn opposed the bill and had their votes recorded. Representatives Williams, Estes, Hoffman, Jacobs...
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Leave a Comment Senate Passes Neo-voucher/Tax Credit Scholarship Bill SB 61
The Senate passed on emergency final action the tax credit scholarship expansion bill we oppose (23-14). They refused to amend it to require all participating schools to be accredited or to allow other amendments that would have done more to ensure the bill served its purported purpose. Please thank the following for voting against the bill: Senators Corson, Dietrich, Doll, Faust-Goudeau, Francisco, Hawk, Holland, Holscher, Longbine, McGinn, Pettey, Pittman, Sykes, Ware. The following voted for the bill. Are they representing you? They should hear from constituents, too: Senators Alley, Baumgardner, Bowers, Claeys, Erickson, Fagg, Gossage, Hilderbrand, Kerschen, Kloos,...
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