
Quote of the Day

Quote of the Day: “What was surprising, however, was the deep level of ignorance of government and history that some members of the [House Education] committee seem to possess. During questioning, I was told that the US Constitution is based on the Bible and contains passages from the King James Bible, that the majority should prevail in what religion is promoted in the schools, and that the “Drudge Report” is a reliable source of factual information. I was told, essentially, that I had no right to be there because I only represented a minority of Kansans and that...
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Contact House Education Committee today! We need support for Kansas public schools, not more charters!

The House Education Committee needs to hear from us again. Tuesday they’ll be discussing the charter bill. Charters are supposed to be a good thing, but in reality they siphon funds from true public schools, and often cherry pick students, expel students and fail to outperform true public schools. They have recently proven to be a favorite mechanism for those who seek to privatize public schools and a cash cow for those who seek to profit from it. There have also been a large number of scandals in charter schools across the country. Urge legislators to support the...
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