Vouchers, Tax Credit “Scholarships”, Education Savings Accounts (ESAs), Charters, Online Schools-Privatization

There is a nationwide push to destroy public education and replace it with a privatized system. Since other states have been rolling out vouchers, in the form of traditional vouchers and as tax credit “scholarships,” and Education Savings Accounts (ESAs), we’ve been able to see the results. We can conclusively say vouchers lead to terrible academic outcomes, are bailouts for sub-prime private schools, give subsidies to parents who are already able to afford tuition, and end up costing the state more than projected as the state takes on paying for the education of students who never attended public school. These programs also do nothing to curb discriminatory admissions and retention policies. They’re SCHOOL choice not parent choice.

Kansas has so far only experienced tax credit “scholarships,” but there are many legislators who keep trying to bring expansive vouchers to our state. ALEC, AFP and KPI are all pushing this in Kansas.

Further Information



School vouchers are not a proven strategy for improving student achievement: Studies of U.S. and international voucher programs show that the risks to school systems outweigh insignificant gains in test scores and limited gains in graduation rates

Game On submits testimony for House Ed hearing on tax credit expansion bill

https://www.heartland.org/publications-resources/publications/february-2002-the-year-of-school-vouchers?source=policybot (FEBRUARY 2002: THE YEAR OF SCHOOL VOUCHERS, “Pilot voucher programs for the urban poor will lead the way to statewide universal voucher plans. Soon, most government schools will be converted into private schools or simply close their doors. Eventually, middle- and upper-income families will not longer expect or need tax-financed assistance to pay for the education of their children, leading to further steps toward complete privatization. Vouchers could remain to help the truly needy.”

Why “Competitive Marketplaces” are an Awkward Fit for Education


New Orleans shows perils of school choice






