Quote of the Day

“The people of Kansas, in their wisdom, in Amendment 6 to the Kansas Constitution, made clear that education is a fundamental right of all Kansans and charged the legislature with the ‘suitable provision of finance’… Amending the state constitution will never change what is right, and it will certainly not keep people across this state who believe in the fundamental right to a …quality education, who view education as a major economic driver, and who embrace the traditional separation of powers and adherence to constitutional law, from using the courts to fight for what is right for children, for justice, and for the people of the great state of Kansas.”
Dr. Cynthia Lane, Superintendent KCK Public Schools testifying in the judicial committee against the constitutional amendment as quoted in Kay Wolf’s Capital Comments. Melcher, Smith, Denning, Pilcher-Cook and 23 of their colleagues voted for it anyway.

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