Over the last several years, we have been showing what is wrong with vouchers, corporate tax credit scholarships, expansion of charter schools, the continued underfunding of our schools and other bad education policy that is being foisted on Kansas by ALEC and others who do not fully support public education. Now we need you. The legislators in Topeka are there to represent us and our children, but they may not know what we want unless we tell them. They have been hearing from the vocal minority and the “free market” lobby. Now they need to hear from you. The legislative session has begun, and so has the introduction of bills that will be detrimental to public education in Kansas. Hopefully the session will only last a few months, but in these next few months, you need to contact committee members and your local legislators and express your concerns. We cannot do that for you, and every voice matters. You can call or email. We all need to step out of our comfort zone a little bit and make sure that our legislators know we care, and we are paying attention. These bills were defeated last year, and they can be defeated again, but only with your help. To quote Diane Ravitch, one of the founders of the national Network for Public Education, “We are many. There is power in our voices. Together we will save our schools.” Here’s how to contact key legislators:http://gameonforkansasschools.com/links/yourrepresentatives/