Again…Vouchers Don’t Work

The first voucher bill of the Kansas session was introduced yesterday. We strongly oppose vouchers whether they are called “tax credit scholarships” or “education savings accounts” or something else because the data show they do not help struggling students, they lack basic accountability measures and they take public money at a time when our public schools, which educate the vast majority of Kansas kids, are still not fully funded. Be informed.”Studies of voucher programs across the country have found that students who participate in private school voucher programs fare worse academically than students educated in public schools, and in some cases dramatically worse. In addition, voucher programs undermine already struggling public schools. Other damaging effects of vouchers include loss of civil rights protections, increased segregation, and erosion of the separation of church and state. Private school voucher programs often lack accountability and transparency, yet cost millions of public dollars.”

Originally posted to Facebook 1/25/2022

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