Kansas voucher bills include no protections against students being denied admission

There is nothing in the Kansas tax credit “scholarship” program or voucher bills in the Kansas legislature that would keep schools like this from receiving public tax dollars. Some participating schools have very similar requirements to those in this article.

“Under the leadership of Bobby Leonard, Bible Tabernacle Church opened a private school called Tabernacle Christian School in 1972. This school receives public tax dollars via the Opportunity Scholarship school voucher program which was created by the North Carolina General Assembly in 2014.

“Tabernacle Christian School has received voucher dollars every school year since 2014-15 for a grand total of $3,649,766 in public taxpayer funds…

“Unfortunately, private schools are legally permitted to discriminate against students based on factors like religious beliefs and sexual orientation, even when they’re receiving public funding.

“And discriminate they do.

“This voucher-receiving school in Fayetteville, NC specifically bans ‘Mormons, Jehovah’s Witnesses, Muslims, non Messianic Jews, Hindus, and Buddhists’ and refers to homosexuality as ‘deviate [sic] and perverted.’

“Freedom Christian, also in Fayetteville, only takes students whose parents have a ‘vibrant relationship with Jesus Christ’ and who demonstrate ‘a desire to learn.’ It’s unclear whether Freedom Christian uses a rubric to objectively measure the vibrance of that relationship.

“If the notion of your money ending up in the pockets of Bobby Leonard or any of these other institutions that discriminates against children makes your skin crawl, please be ready to channel that energy into electing pro-public education candidates in 2024.

“That’s our only way out of this nightmare.”

Read full post at https://notesfromthechalkboard.com/2024/02/24/nc-church-whose-pastor-says-women-that-wear-shorts-invite-rape-has-received-millions-in-public-tax-dollars-for-school-vouchers/?fbclid=IwAR3XF-g36TNGo06Q8sHsDZDuRkPnb2rUonXA_OpcJDRy8hqKXZGCMDr8Ykg

Originally published on Facebook on Feb. 25th, 2024.

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