
New finance bill excludes state funding for extracurriculars; local funding allowed

From the new school finance bill prohibiting state funding of extra curricular activities and limiting funding to local funding: New Sec. 19. (a) No school district shall expend, use or transfer any moneys received by such school district as part of the general state aid disbursement to such school district for any expenditures for extracurricular activities or any expenditures related to such activities. (b) Nothing in this section shall be construed to prohibit the use of any moneys received by a school district pursuant to a tax levied under the authority of section 16, and amendments thereto, or...
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Reeser and Hoheisel challenge Osterman

“Both Reeser and Hoheisel are critical of the state’s finances under Gov. Sam Brownback. “’You get the feeling that people really want to start returning to our traditional Kansas moderate viewpoints and that includes strong schools and balancing the budget,’ Reeser said Monday. ‘If we want to reverse the extremist policies of Gov. Brownback then you have to take out these ‘yes’ men and these ‘yes’ women who are currently holding Statehouse seats.’” Read more here:
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New funding bill includes neo-voucher

Rep. Highland is supporting another ALEC neo-voucher, “Education Spending Accounts” in a new funding formula. “A proposed new Kansas school funding formula would allow parents to use tax funds for private schools, and it would prohibit school districts from spending state aid money on extracurricular activities… Under the bill, parents could use 70 percent of the per-pupil state aid that would have gone to their local school district to instead pay for private schools, including religious schools or home schools. Such accounts would be administered by the state treasurer… “Rep. Ron Highland, a Wamego Republican and chairman of...
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Cox to challenge Hildabrand in Republican primary

“’The direction the state is going, it just seems to be downtrending, and the Legislature and governor appear to be doubling down on a bad strategy,’ he said, explaining that he has been complaining about the negative results of the state government’s actions for some time. ‘Someone said, ‘So why don’t you run and try to do something about it,’ and that really resonated with me. There’s no reason not to try to step and up and make a difference.’ “Cox said as a product of the Shawnee Mission school district, one of his main concerns in supporting...
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